Sunday, September 18, 2011

What causes my Chevy Suburban to be squeaky when on the road?

I have a 2000 Chevy Suburban and I keep hearing a squeaky/ squealing sound when diving. First it started from the left from passenger tire. Now I hear the squeaking all around the Suburban it squeaks and squeals all the time no matter how fast or slow you go. The only time you don't hear the noise is when its parked or at a light. We have had new tires put on it and have had the brakes done recently. What could be causing the suburban to sound so bad.|||Yes, it could be wheel bearings, rear end, or transfer case if its a 4x4. But also check your fan or brakes. Do you you ride your brakes down a hill? If you downshift it into 3,2, 0r 1 it will save all of your drive train parts,. Just a tip to prevent more stuff.|||This could be one of many things it could either be wheel bearings, rear end, or transfer case if its a 4x4...these are just things to check

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